He knows exactly what a cat wants, and he is willing to share his knowledge with the owners of four-footed. If somebody had not yet purchased a furry friend, he says to think about whether they really need it. Maybe it's the desire to show off the rare breed of pet to friends. "The prestige should not be a criterion for the acquisition of an animal”, says Mark Traysman. “Cats should be understood and loved as children then the house will be comfortable for everyone – both animals and their owners."
To make the right choice of breed, you need to know the specifics of each of them. For example, in the eastern group of cats (including Siamese, Orientals, etc.), the excitation predominates over inhibition. The owners need to have strong nerves with such a kitty. On the contrary, Persian cats are unusually calm and imperturbable creatures. If the question is who to get - a male or female cat, you again need a piece of advice from a felinologist. "As a congregatory species, male cats tend to be leaders”, explains Mark Traisman, “he likes communication, can not stand indifference. His "ritual dances" is a way to attract your attention. If you came home, walked by, without stroking him, not addressed to your pet as the first of the household, the male cat may be offended and declare you a "war". The cat would express his protest, performing various small tricks. Female cats are very selfish and not so susceptible to inattention of their owners. They have other worries — to reproduce and raise offspring. If you have a "sweet couple" at home- a male and a female, get on track with your male cat and the female will obey you without question."
Everyone who comes to consult Mark Traisman will receive useful tips and recommendations. "The only field where I do not consult is veterinary medicine”, says the felinologist. “I can not take on such responsibility I suppose the professionals should do it."
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